Hagar's Heart Volunteer Agreement
I understand Hagar's Heart reserves the right to terminate volunteer status due to non-compliance, and I am responsible for my own well-being and self-care in order to serve with Hagar's Heart.
I agree to serve as a volunteer for Hagar’s Heart and commit to the following:
1. To attend a required online volunteer orientation with Hagar’s Heart, prior to being a volunteer. I also agree to attend additional trainings as necessary for the volunteer position where I am placed.
2. To perform my volunteer duties to the best of my ability.
3. To adhere to Hagar’s Heart partner shelter’s rules and procedures, including record keeping requirements and maintaining the confidentiality of the shelter location and staff, agency, and client information.
4. To meet my agreed upon time and duty commitment, or to provide 24-hour notice to Hagar’s Heart, so that alternative arrangements can be made.
5. To act as a member of the team responsible for accomplishing the mission of Hagar’s Heart and to remain non-judgmental in dealing with others and to promote being seen, valued, and loved in all volunteer activities.
6. I agree to a background check by Hagar's Heart. I agree to additional paperwork the partner shelter I’m serving with may ask for, listed below but not limited to, if required:
- Background check information (May require a fee.)
- Shelter application
- COVID, confidentiality, accident and release of liability waivers
- Any other paperwork required by shelter
I am voluntarily participating in the volunteer activities with knowledge of what is involved, and I agree to accept all risks of participation. I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless HAGAR’S HEART for all claims arising out of my participation in the volunteer activities.
Hagar's Heart Confidentiality Agreement
As a Hagar’s Heart volunteer, I understand all information concerning clients, shelter staff, volunteers, and Hagar’s Heart is to be treated with confidentiality. You are free to talk about Hagar’s Heart and your volunteer opportunity, BUT confidentiality means you are not permitted to disclose clients’ names, shelter names, share location of Hagar’s Heart event, or talk about those interacted with, in ways that will make their identity and/or location known. It is CRITICAL that you do NOT share shelter locations. This is for the safety of the shelter clients and Hagar's Heart volunteers.
- I will consider all information regarding other clients, staff, student interns or volunteers privileged, and I agree to keep this information within the confines of the volunteer event.
- If a client shares information of concern with me, I WILL NOT SHARE with others, but alert the Hagar’s Heart event supervisor that I need to speak with a shelter staff IMMEDIATELY.
- I will not take pictures, provide my personal information, or engage in activity that could jeopardize anonymity or the safety of a client, shelter staff, or volunteer, while volunteering. We strongly recommend not bringing phones/devices to shelters.
Furthermore, I understand no information may be released without appropriate authorization. This is a basic component of client care and business ethics. Hagar’s Heart expects you to respect the privacy of clients and to maintain their personal and location information as confidential.
Photo/Video/Social Media Release
I give my consent for myself and/or my child(ren) to be photographed and/or interviewed by Hagar’s Heart, partners of Hagar’s Heart, and/or media outlets. I understand that these photos may be used on Hagar’s Heart website or social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter). It is my understanding that none of the photographs will be used to endanger or exploit us. I release Hagar’s Heart from any expectation of confidentiality. I also understand that if a media outlet interviews or photographs me while volunteering, Hagar’s Heart has no control over the resulting article/story/photo, and it can be shown on television, talked about on the radio, printed in a newspaper or magazine or be published on a website. This agreement is valid until otherwise stated.