2024 Lunch and Learns

2024 Lunch and Learns

Email info@hagarsheart.org for more information on how to join!

Hagar’s Heart supports, educates, and empowers domestic violence survivors through self-care initiatives. One of the ways we do it is through Lunch and Learns. Every second Wednesday of the month, from 12-1pm, we have a special speaker. This is VIRTUAL and a great way to learn about domestic violence and self-care.

Take a break and join us! Here are the following dates and speakers from 2024:

February 14: Yvonne Harrison, Survivor

March 13: Kasey Salyer, Salyer Counseling Group

April 10: Whitney Martin, Grand Prairie Victims Services

May 8: Toni Riley, Author, The Bright Side of Broken

June 12:

July 10:

August 14: Carencia Mental Healthcare

September 11:

October 9:

November 13: Carencia Mental Healthcare

December 12:

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