2024 Lunch and Learns

Email info@hagarsheart.org for more information on how to join! Hagar’s Heart supports, educates, and empowers domestic violence survivors through self-care initiatives. One of the ways we do it is through Lunch and Learns. Every second Wednesday of the month, from 12-1pm, we have a special speaker. This is VIRTUAL and a great way to learn […]

The Gift of Giving Gifts

by Vance Morton, Hagar’s Heart Volunteer Have you ever experienced a “Christmas Miracle?” I’m not talking about the kind of miracle where you somehow find the last of the completely sold-out, hottest toy of the season, on a high rack, in the home and garden department behind some bags of colored mulch – though, that’s […]

Why Is the Hagar’s Heart Letter Important?

When I was little, I loved when I got a letter in the mail. It meant someone was thinking of me. That I mattered. Seeing a few words, handwritten, on a piece of paper, made me feel special. I still hope there is something other than flyers, bills, and change your cable to us mail! […]

The Heart of the Matter by Sociability

Jennifer’s journey out of an abusive relationship was not easy, and it took years for her to realize the importance of self-care. Her organization, inspired by the story of Hagar from the Bible, focuses on helping survivors heal and regain self-worth. Hagar’s Heart has experienced significant growth since its founding in 2020, and its “I […]

Delta Sigma Theta members donate hair care products to women in crisis.

Arlington-based organization Hagar’s Heart has recognized the essential need for hair care products, including shampoo, hot oil treatments, curl moisturizers, and gel, among African-American women seeking protection at domestic violence shelters. Hagar’s Heart partners with eight domestic violence organizations in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and has recently become aware of the scarcity of ethnic hair […]

FHMS partners with local domestic violence support group

Fossil Hill Middle School is collaborating with Hagar’s Heart, an organization supporting domestic violence survivors, to make a positive impact on their community. Students from Fossil Hill’s AVID and campus student advisory classes are collecting essential donations for “I See You” boxes, which contain practical items along with handwritten letters of encouragement. These boxes aim […]

Life & Work with Jennifer Jones Feature in VoyageDallas

Jennifer Jones is the founder of Hagar’s Heart, a nonprofit organization with a mission to support women in crisis, foster community connections, and inspire women to rediscover their self-worth. The organization was born during the COVID-19 pandemic when Jennifer initiated the “I See You” box project, providing luxury items and flowers for women in domestic […]

Meet Jennifer Jones Feature on Canvas Rebel

Jennifer Jones, Executive Director of Hagar's Heart, smiling confidently in a professional headshot.

Jennifer Jones, the founder of Hagar’s Heart, shares the inspiring story of how her brand came into being. Her journey began when her life seemingly fell apart, marked by the end of her marriage and a sense of shame and loss of control. Jennifer connected deeply with the story of Hagar, a figure from the […]

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